
Brooklyn flies a flag for freedom

The simple act of raising the red, white and black banner spoke volumes while extending a heartening message: We’re with you.

That elementary communication of support has been a no-show on the monstrous pro-Islamic agendas of Muslim-majority governments, which do not seem to care if their people live or die.

In Libya’s dictatorship, terror-monger Moammar Qaddafi has gone above and beyond the call of the devil’s duty to demonstrate his hatred for his nationals, dispatching African mercenaries to massacre Libyans who dare not pass by their own windows, let alone exit their homes for fear of being slaughtered in the streets.

In Yemen last week, security forces attacked thousands of demonstrators in the port city of Aden — ironically after Friday prayer services.

The civil revolutions sprouting across the Middle East speak eloquently to the heart of the matter: even self-styled moderate Muslims make for lethal leaders. That makes them worse than the dogs and pigs which Muslims so roundly despise because those creatures exhibit more compassion towards their own kind.

Thankfully, debased, downtrodden Muslims have a friend in the democratic Free World, a much-maligned social order which has come to symbolize their only salvation. Brooklyn Borough Hall reinforced as much when it raised that flag last week to the cheers of students from the Al-Noor School in Bay Ridge. The wonderful act of allegiance should resonate loudly and clearly through the Muslim grapevine, and alert even anti-Semites and America-bashers to the uplifting reality that it was a Jewish-American municipal leader who understood the plight of Muslims and offered them an entire city’s allegiance and sympathy as an everlasting token of hope for a better tomorrow.

A glimmer of unification can move mountains, as has been attested by freedom fighters throughout history. Brooklyn’s act of flying the national flag of a besieged land may not make its problems disappear overnight, but it definitely helps place in perspective who is the enemy of the oppressed masses of the world — and who is their ally.
