
Brooklynites go medieval for spring

Brooklynites go medieval for spring

Just call it Aviator Sports & Recreation−shire!

Camelot came to Brooklyn as the borough’s premier play−pen morphed into a medieval fairesite for a group of Lancelots, who courted the crowd with their skills and showmanship during a Renaissance Fair.

Jousters held spectators spellbound with their comely maneuvers as part of a day of revisiting traditions of the Middle Ages at the National Park Service concession, which operates in New York City’s historic first municipal airport, Floyd Bennett Field.

The joust was topped by traditional sporting tournaments, family−friendly activities and carnival−style amusements.

Jousting was among a number of popular martial games in medieval times, known as ‘hastiludes.’ The first recorded tournament was staged in 1066, but the sport didn’t enjoy widespread popularity until the 13th century when it continued its status as a European sport of nobility until the early 17th century.