One month into 2009, crime is down a whopping 42.72 percent in Canarsie.
As of February 1st, the 69th Precinct had registered significant drops in six of seven major crime categories. The seventh, murder, was flat. There have been no murders so far in 2009, in the precinct; there were none at this time last year.
The precinct’s CompStat posting for the week ending February 1st indicated a 100 percent drop in rapes, with none so far this year, compared with one at this point in 2008. In addition, there was a 70.4 percent decrease in robberies, with eight so far in 2009, compared to 27 at this time last year.
There were 50 percent decreases in two categories: felonious assault and grand larceny auto. There have been six felonious assaults so far this year, compared to 12 at this point last year; there have been eight GLAs, compared to 16 at this point in 2008.
Grand larceny is also down, 27.6 percent; there have been 21 grand larcenies in the precinct so far in 2009, compared to 29 at this point last year.
Finally, burglary is down 11.1 percent. There have been 16 so far in 2009; at this point in 2008, there were 18.
Despite the decrease in crime, Captain Milt Marmara, the commanding officer of the 69th Precinct, told members of the South Canarsie Civic Association (SCCA), gathered at the Hebrew Educational Society (HES), 9502 Seaview Avenue, for their February meeting, that there was more work to be done.
“I hope it’s a new start for a new year, but we’re never satisfied at resting on anyone’s laurels,” Marmara noted. “We’re always looking to try and make it better. We will never be satisfied till we get crime down as low as we can. That’s a day-to-day process.”
Marmara also said a key to crime reduction was cooperation between the police and community residents.
“It’s important we all work together to get things done in Canarsie,” stressed Marmara, urging his listeners to let the precinct know if they are aware of suspicious circumstances of any sort.
“You know who lives on your block,” he told the group. “You know what cars belong on your block. You know what traffic doesn’t belong there. You know who the suspicious individuals are. You know who the Con Ed person is. You know who the UPS person is. We rely on that.”
Those who have information for the precinct can call the community affairs unit at 718-257-6205 or email them at, said Marmara. Marmara also said complaints and tips can be called in to 800-577-TIPS or sent by text message. Text “TIP577” (plus your message) to “CRIMES” (274637), Marmara told the group.