
Choked for a phone


Two crooks stole an artist’s iPhone after putting him in a choke hold outside his Norman Avenue studio on Dec. 8.

The 41-year-old victim told cops that he was accosted by the perps between Dobbin and Guernsey streets at about 9:30 pm. One thug wrapped his hands around the man’s neck while the other counseled, “Give me your s—t” — a reference to the cellphone in the victim’s hand.

The two made off with the phone and the man was not able to identify them.

Sucker punch

A 28-year-old would-be thief punched a man who refused to hand over his iPhone on Dec. 9.

The victim told cops that he was on Fifth Street between Roebling Street and Driggs Avenue at 5:30 pm when he was attacked by the rogue. The victim fought back, retaining his smartphone, but ended up with bruises to show for it.

Thieving decorators?

Someone crept through an unlocked apartment door on Engert Avenue and stole an iPhone and laptop overnight on Dec. 12.

The 20-year-old woman tenant in the unit, which is between Russell and Humboldt streets, told cops that she returned home early on Dec. 13 to find the front door and rear window wide open and the goods missing.

Her furniture had also been rearranged.

Cellish nightmare

A thief broke into a Diamond Street apartment and stole a cellphone while a woman was sleeping in the next room on Dec. 12.

The woman told cops that she woke from a nap at 1 pm to find the front door lock busted and the place ransacked. The perp got away from the unit, which is between Nassau and Driggs avenues, without being seen.