
CNG’s ‘Women of Distinction’ gala makes a big splash at the NY Aquarium

CNG’s ‘Women of Distinction’ gala makes a big splash at the NY Aquarium
Photo by Steve Solomonson

We can’t stop singing their praises.

Even the walruses roared and clapped with appreciation when Community Newspaper Group and Courier Life Publications held its second annual Brooklyn Women of Distinction ceremony on Wednesday at the New York Aquarium in Coney Island, formally honoring more than two dozen of the borough’s prominent females for their stellar work and service.

The awards capped the 2012 Brooklyn Women of Distinction magazine, which came out last month and profiled 25 honorees for extending themselves beyond the call of duty to make a positive difference in their communities, and in some cases, across the borough, the city, the state, the nation, and even the world. Believe it!

The awardees were selected by a panel of judges, and ran the civic, industrial, academic, and creative gamut — from activists, social services’ workers, and educators to conservationists, city execs, and entrepreneurs.

They all had a common goal: to make life better for others by going the extra mile. Their impressive work is evident across the borough, where they’ve turned abandoned lots into thriving community farms and gardens, refreshed the souls and energies of troubled inner-city youngsters with innovative programs and services, and volunteered in their spare time when the rest of us are at home watching TV with our feet up.

Of course, Brooklyn’s horn wouldn’t be worth blowing without a sweet toot from Mr. Brooklyn, himself.

Borough President Markowitz kicked off the fete with a guest address, followed by another one from the keynote speaker, former City Councilwoman Una Clarke. Other speakers included Celia Weintrob — publisher and the mistress of ceremonies — and Les Goodstein, senior vice president of News Corporation, the parent company of Community Newspaper Group and Courier Life Publications.

The spotlight, however, was firmly reserved for the honorees themselves, who stood in good company on Brooklyn’s roster of distinguished females — a noteworthy group that includes Lady Deborah Moody, who founded the town of Gravesend in 1645, and Margaret Sanger, who opened the nation’s first birth control clinic in Brownsville in 1916.

“All of our inspirational and dedicated honorees prove what history has always shown — that women are the backbone of a well-ordered society, and most often the ones who shape and steer the course of events for a better world,” said Stephanie Stellaccio, Women of Distinction event coordinator and senior account executive for CNG.

Check out our Women of Distinction magazine at www.brooklynpaper.com/assets/pdf/wod/cng_women-of-distinction_2012.pdf