


Now through May 31, the Brooklyn
Academy of Music is staging a multimedia presentation of African art and

At the BAMcinematek, “The Best of the African Film Festival”
includes screenings of Moussa Sene Absane’s film “Madame Brouette”
(pictured) on May 28 at 6:50 pm and 9:15 pm. Set in a Senegalese shantytown,
this 2002 film is about a spunky divorcee who sells produce on the street.
(“Brouette” is French for wheelbarrow.)

At the BAM Howard Gilman Opera House, the 28th annual DanceAfrica festival,
curated by Chuck Davis, will feature performances by serveral dance companies.

The DanceAfrica Bazaar will be set up in the GGMC parking lot at Lafayette
Avenue and Ashland Place.

The Brooklyn Academy of Music is located at 30 Lafayette Ave. at Ashland
Place in Fort Greene. Call (718) 636-4100.

— Lisa J. Curtis