Here we go again, the PC, liberal, sore-losing Dems took another swipe at the Trump family — this time on a Jet Blue Flight and aimed at Ivanka Trump, with her kids and husband in tow, no less.
In one report in the New York Post, “Once inside the cabin, [Daniel] Goldstein, who had a child in his arms, began shouting at Trump, demanding to know why she was on the flight and not on a private plane.”
I cannot begin to imagine how wrong this is — and on how many levels.
Not only have the sore losers lost any bit of pride in themselves, but their common sense seems to have flown like the wind. How dare he?
Then, to add insult to injury, his partner Matthew Lasner crows about it on Twitter.
“My husband chasing them down to harass them,” Lasner tweeted, followed by the hashtag #banalityofevil. This of course was later deleted.
Feeling so proud, ain’t he?
There are many people out there that do not approve of same sex-marriage, yet expressing that opinion is enough to get you canned from your job. But Mr. Goldstein and his life partner Mr. Lasner felt it was very appropriate to express their opinion against Ivanka Trump on the flight.
He even had his child in his arms — what sort of father is that? Would he have liked it if his child had to witness such behavior had it been directed at him and his partner? No, the PC police and every Tom, Dick, and Harry would have been outraged and demanded the perpetrators’ head on a platter.
What is wrong with these people?
Two terms ago, President Obama would have been all over the situation in a New York minute if anyone attempted to insult his wife or his children, condemning — no, not just condemning, but firing — the person or persons that made the remarks. How many people have lost their job because they either insulted President Obama’s wife or made a comment on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social outlet?
But somewhere in the last eight years all that has changed. Apparently, the PC police have changed the rules, and now when it comes to President-elect Trump, it’s open season — take a swipe, it’s all okay. In fact, it’s more than okay, it’s justified.
I thought (silly me) that once the election was over the nonsense would have stopped. How wrong I was — it has just ramped itself up to new all-time lows of childish, rude, and boorish behavior.
Not for nuthin™, it’s a new year — along with peace on earth and good will toward man, how about we add “give Trump his due, give the PC police the boot, and to all those sore-losing non-deplorable Hillary supporters: build a bridge and get over yourselves.”
If you don’t like it, move.
Happy New Year — wishing you all a peaceful, prosperous, and politically correct holiday.
Follow me on Twitter @JDelBuono.