
Epiphany in Williamsburg

Epiphany in Williamsburg

Camels! Llamas! and Wise Men oh my!

The first parade of the year in Williamsburg was on the last of the Christmas holy days, Three Kings Day, also known as The Epiphany or “Dia de los Reyes”. The holiday, which traditionally occurs on the 12th day after Christmas, celebrates the nativity of Christ, specifically the revelation of God made in the person of Jesus Christ.

And what a celebration it was! Starting at 2 pm, Williamsburg’s Catholic communities bundled up and gathered under the BQE near Meeker Avenue, before parading down Graham Avenues all the way to Broadway.

It was a mix of Puerto Rican, Dominican and Mexican parishioners, many of whom brought their own cultures and pride to the celebration. Led by Madrina 2010 Iliana Sanchez (the “La Nena de la que buena,” or Matron of Honor), three camels and three wise men in shimmering red, green and purple robes, classic cars from the mid-20th century, and many children in masks marched for three hours.