
Fall equinox celebration

The “Become As You Are” celebration, a Spirit Circle commemorating the fall equinox and the transition from summer to fall, will be held September 20 from 4-6:30 p.m. at Prospect Park.

Attendees will celebrate the changing of seasons with an earth-centered-ritual, simple movement, song, story, and meditation (no prior experience necessary).

Yoga and dance instructor Lauren Tepper will host the gathering. “Through the magic of collective wisdom, circle gatherings bring spiritual connection, healing, laughter, and the opportunity to witness and experience dramatic energetic shifts individually and communally,” states Tepper.

Tepper is also a personal trainer, environmental scientist and educator, and freelance writer on health, fitness, spirituality and the environment.

She works from a holistic perspective, offering classes, private sessions, workshops, and special events integrating body, mind and spirit, for all ages.

Those attending will gather at Grand Army Plaza and are asked to bring a journal or something to write or draw in. The suggested donation price is $12.

To sign up and for more information, contact Tepper at 917-902-4649 or email laurentepper@hotmail.com.