Brooklyn Young Filmmakers’ unique three class “Make A Film” series takes participants through the development of a script, pre−production, and production, concluding with the shooting of a short film.
The second class in the series, “Getting Started In Film: Intro to Production Assistant & Organizing a Low Budget Shoot (Pre−Production)” (FLM 200) follows the “Intro to Scriptwriting: Written Blueprint for Making A Film Class,” and meets from 6−9 p.m., May 19 and 26, and June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. The cost is $120.
This primer on how to make a low budget film and the basics of getting started as a production assistant will be held at 25 Chapel Street, fourth floor, at the Continuing Education department of NYC College of Technology. It is open to adults of all ages and teens 16 years and older.
Students in this class will help select the script that will be shot in the third class, and students will work on pre−production for the film shoot and participate in community auditions for actors.