They gave back to those who give so much.
The office of state Sen. Marty Golden (R–Bay Ridge) held its annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at the Bay Ridge Manor on March 1 to thank the Ridgites who help organize and run the neighborhood’s annual events, including the Haunted Halloween Walk. The more than 160 honorees who ensure some of the nabe’s most beloved traditions carry on all deserve to be recognized, according to the Ridgite who organized the event.
“The community volunteers are an important part of what makes this community what it is,” said Chip Cafiero. “You want to acknowledge your volunteers. No matter how small the part they play, they should be recognized.”
Golden delivered remarks before issuing appreciation certificates to the volunteers who help put on the annual Haunted Halloween Walk, Easter egg hunt, Christmas tree lighting, summer concert series, senior fairs, and boat rides, among other events.
Another Ridgite who has helped organize the Haunted Halloween, Christmas tree lighting, and Easter egg hunt for more than a decade said she was glad that the pol and his pals recognized the locals who dedicate their time to making sure his events go off without a hitch.
“They showed appreciation for every person who has worked for Marty and done volunteer work,” said Linda Allegretti, who is also the founder of the Shore Road Parks Conservancy.