Voters from Bay Ridge to Marine Park threw their weight behind Martin Golden in the 22nd state Senate District on Election Day.
The six-term incumbent creamed upstart Democratic challenger James Kemmerer with 69 percent of the vote on Nov. 4.
The race had been framed as a referendum on change versus the status quo, with Kememrer running on a reform-minded platform and Golden reminding voters of the gifts he’s bestowed on the district.
Golden maintained Kemmerer wouldn’t be able to bring home the bacon for constituents. Kemmerer charged that Golden is too cozy with big-money campaign donors.
Golden, a retired police officer, benefited from a district which includes conservative enclaves in Marine Park and Gerritsen Beach, as well as moderately Republican Bay Ridge.
During debates and other public appearances, Kemmerer blasted Golden for having an allegedly cozy relationship to several campaign donors. Whether or not that is the case, the incumbent appears to have the golden touch — he vastly out-raised and out-spent his opponent.
Since Jan. 1, 2013, Golden raked in $504,375.85 and spent $683,244.11, state campaign finance records show. In the same period, Kemmerer managed to raise $14,517.00 and wrote checks for $22,907.77.