
Hank’s a lot: Honky tonk break-in

Two gun-strapped thugs raged into a beloved Boerum Hill saloon on May 19 and held patrons hostage while they emptied the cash register, cops said.

The bandits entered Hank’s Saloon at just before 4 am, and one ordered the bartender to turn over the bar’s cash while his accomplice trained his pistol on the barflies.

The bartender decided not to be a hero and surrendered over $500, which the crook put into a white garbage bag before fleeing the bar, which is at Third and Atlantic avenues.

Witnesses told police the gunman was 6-foot and had dreadlocks.

Despite the crime — and the proposed sale of its building — Hank’s remains one of the hottest venues for barroom country music, frequently landing on citywide “Best of…” lists.

Once a hangout for American Indian construction workers who lived in the neighborhood, the bar also had a long life under the name Doray Tavern.