
Here it is, your guide to the weekend

Hello, Norma Jeane! Marilyn Monroe gets 14-film retrospective at BAM

Hey, Brooklyn! Get it together! It might be July already, but that doesn’t give you any excuse to wrap it up and call it a summer. Here’s how you can turn up the heat this weekend and party like it’s June 30.

• Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but BAM will be running a close second after its Marilyn Monroe tribute-palooza kicks off tonight with “Don’t Bother to Knock.”

• Speaking of tributes, pay your respects to that most slighted of root vegetables, the onion, which recently lost out to corn in a vicious, vitriol-injected legislative battle over which would be the state vegetable (may or may not include Sumner-esque pics of state Senators caning each other).

• It never hurts to get a refresher on New York City traffic laws (lord knows, we need it).

• Treat yourself to a soothing, aromatic, lavender bath — just watch which salts you’re buying, or the DEA might want a word with you.

• Dinner and a movie? Please. How about dinner IN a movie? This new Williamsburg joint, the first of its kind in the city, has fish tacos and Woody Allen.

• No compliments to the chef at this sweet Park Slope eatery, where it’s the patrons who decide what goes on the menu.

• Coney’s got a new house of horrors! Well, you already know it as the Parachute Drop, but they might as well call it the Tower of Terror these days.

• You might have the sea-legs for that spiffy new East River ferry, but whatever you do, don’t sail into this explosive corner of Gravesend Bay anytime soon.

• Yeah, yeah, fine — the Weekender isn’t the ONLY Brooklyn Paper insider that’s got the skinny. Check out our all-encompassing July 4 Weekend guide (but please — keep those fireworks legal, folks).

And as always, these and other great events are in our exclusive family calendar, our great nightlife calendar, and our matchless events calendar.

Will Joey “Jaws” Chestnut win again? Find out on Monday!
The Brooklyn Paper / Michael Lipkin