A Brooklyn Heights rabbi has obviously learned a lesson from his faith’s comedians — his new book about the economy (of all things!) certainly has great timing.
Rabbi Aaron Raskin’s book, “The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders,” hits bookstores this month, just as the economy was imploding.
But not to worry; Raskin and co-author Thomas Zweifel, the CEO of a consulting firm, argue that rediscovering business ethics is as simple as remembering Moses, who cried out to God and was told, basically, “Just do it.” The lesson? “Kvetching was not an option,” Raskin said. In other words, stop whining.
Raskin, the spiritual leader of Congregation B’nai Avraham on Remsen Street in Brooklyn Heights, and Zweifel say that recent figures — former GE CEO Jack Welch and just about everyone affilated with Enron, for example — lack that kind of leadership.
That said, no one religious belief is required, but such leadership is embodied by the Jewish customs of tzedakah (charity), emet (truth) and no kvetching (kvetching).
“The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders,” is available through www.selectbooks.com.