
It’s a Gimme! Coffee joint to expand

It’s a Gimme! Coffee joint to expand
Photo By Alex Rush

Gimme Coffee is ready to give us more!

The eight-year-old Lorimer Street java joint will set up a new shop on Roebling Street near N. Sixth Street later this month, giving Williamsburgers another place for pour-over coffee and frothed-to-order cappuccino.

It’ll even include a “cupping lab,” where patrons can sample an international selection of beans brewed three different ways: espresso, drip and pour over.

“We’ll schedule these free tastings regularly,” said manager Sheena Heise. “That way, people can sample our full menu.”

One of Gimme Coffee’s caffeinated triumphs is its Finca San Luis beans, which are straight out of Colombia — and it’s better in a Clever Dripper, a cone that lets the coffee steep perfectly. It’s $2.50 per cup, but it’s a small price for a chocolate- and berry-tinged brew that needs no milk or sugar.

Also look for the Gibraltar, an off-menu specialty that’s only served to stay. The drink comes in a double-shot glass and is like a cross between a macchiato and a cappuccino.

And even though the new Gimme Coffee is just a stone’s throw away from the original shop, Heise doesn’t foresee any problems maintaining a strong customer base at both locations.

“We wanted to stay in this neighborhood and be as close to our regular customers as possible,” Heise said.

Gimme Coffee [2107 Roebling St. between at N. Sixth Street in Williamsburg, (718) 388-4595].