
It’s all about the estuaries

Celebrate National Estuaries Day and learn about the special creatures that live in these vibrant coastal areas where rivers meet the sea, September 26 from 9-11:30 a.m. at The Cove in Brooklyn Bridge Park.

The Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy, with experts from the Coastal Marine Resource Center, will begin the day’s program with a special seining session from 9-10 a.m. They will use a 30-foot seining net to catch fish and other remarkable species.

Families and kids can take a good look at the fish before they are released back to their homes;a tally will be kept of the catch. Previous catches have included flounder, striped bass, Atlantic tomcod, bay anchovy, green crabs, blue crabs, shrimp, comb jellies, silversides, pipefish, and even a seahorse.

Field guides, identification keys will be available, and there will be plenty of fun to go around.

The fun continues with a Rove the Cove adventure. Go on a guided tour of the Cove at Brooklyn Bridge Park from 10:30-11:30 a.m., and investigate the health of the estuary with hands-on experiments. Rovers will get free t-shirts and copies of “The Cove Guide” to learn about and celebrate the Hudson River estuary.

All ages are welcome and children must be accompanied by an adult. The events are free but space is limited. To reserve a space, email rsvp@bbpc.net. Make sure to include your email and phone number, name(s) and age(s) of your child(ren), and your zip code.