
It’s Only My Opinion

Here are some questions you might want to ask at your next cocktail party when the conversation slows down to a dull, boring silence. Some of them might motivate stimulating exchange. Others could bring about violent debate. And still others could lead to a fistfight. You might want to have a security guard on hand.

Do you think the media spent too much time on Michael Jackson’s death? If you said yes you are in the majority. According to a recent poll you agree with about 70% of America.

Why won’t President Obama show us his birth certificate? Do you think he has something to hide?

Does anyone know the trick of how to fold a roadmap back to its neat original creases? Show me.

“Your call is important to us……” If my call was as important to them as their recording says, why don’t they hire more operators?

What does carrying a gun legally in a National Park have to do with the new credit card reform legislation?

What are your thoughts about this movement by many influential Californians to cut all benefits to illegal aliens? Given the current financial situation in the Golden State there is a fair chance that they may get their way. Should that happen, Watch out, Nevada! They’ll be moving and you’re next.

Do you agree with Bill O’Reilly and his negative assessment of Goldman Sachs, the mega−Billion dollar corporation that pays no income tax?

So far President Obama has irritated the pro−Israel Jews, annoyed the gay community and angered our friends in California. With Obamacare unfolding, American golden−agers are beginning to distrust him. Who do you think he will provoke next? Why?

Why was it necessary for Governor Mark Sanford to outsource his infidelity? Argentina is thousands of miles away from South Carolina. Couldn’t he find an American soul mate?

How much of my money is supposed to be the “fair share” the left wing talking heads tell us about? I don’t mind paying my fair share. I just don’t want to pay yours.

How many of you bothered to take the Pepsi challenge? I’m sure if we tried hard enough we probably could tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke, but does it really matter? Do you love one so much more than the other?

If the word liberal is not a dirty word, why does the left now refer to themselves as progressives? Have you noticed that there is more poverty present in progressive areas than in communities that lean to the right? Which came first – the chicken or the egg?

What is the difference between a suicide bomber and a homicide bomber? Is it that important to be politically correct?

Should AIG resume giving bonuses? Two weeks ago the company bigwigs announced that it is preparing to pay millions of dollars in bonuses to several dozen top corporate executives. Does the word chutzpah come to mind? Are we ready for more public outrage?