
IT’S ONLY MY OPINION – 18-month wait for operations in Toronto

According to a very recent Rasmussen poll, 43% of American voters believe that health care in America will get worse if run by the government, 33% believe that the quality will improve.

I have a snowbird friend who tells me regularly that the government-run health care program in Canada is absolutely super-sensational. His community in Toronto is home of the finest physicians and best hospitals north of the border. The only drawback, according to him, is that he and his fellow countrymen must exercise a lot of patience. Depending on what ails you, the waiting time to see a specialist is between five and twelve months. Operations? 18 months.

Are you familiar with the expression, “You should live that long?” You may not if you reside in Toronto.


Lemme’ see by a show of hands, how many of you really believe that Brooklyn-born Timothy Geithner, one of the most important people in economics today, actually forgot to pay his taxes. Hmmm. About half. I don’t get it. How can anyone actually forget to pay taxes? I can see forgetting to mail a letter. I can understand forgetting to take out the garbage. I also know about forgetting where I parked my car when leaving a ballgame. But to forget to pay taxes? That’s a crock. The IRS is the most feared government agency in the United States. Nobody forgets to pay taxes. To those of you that raised your hand — I have a picture of this bridge in Brooklyn that…..Awe forget it.

The eeriest thought is that as Treasury Secretary, Geithner’s job is to oversee the IRS.


“Hey Honey. Set a wax log on fire.”

“But sweetheart. We don’t have a fireplace.”

“Then put a match to the damn sofa. I am FREEZING.”

One thing I love about the Internet is that it gives me the opportunity to read many out-of-town newspapers. The following are some very recent headlines and statements from a few of this nation’s leading periodicals.

1) Subzero Low Temperatures Widespread Across Midwest

2) Chicago Coldest In Decade

3) Chicago has had the most consecutive days of snowfall since records began in 1884.

4) Record Cold Temperatures Hit Pacific Northwest

5) From ABC6 News in Minnesota — “Business this weekend is slower than usual at the Welch Village Ski and Snowboard area. Why? Frigid temperatures made it too cold to ski.”

6) Antarctica has had the coldest weather in decades. It is so cold that a wave coming out of the ocean freezes in the air.

And this one is not from a newspaper but from our own personal experience. We just were in Belize, a Central American country with a tropical climate. We wore jackets.

I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.net asking you to please tell me again about man-made global warming.


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