Last week I offered you a bucket full of questions. Some were genuine questions. Others were really making statements. Here are some more. Feel free to read them at your next cocktail party when the conversation slows to a dull lull.
Why did it take Senator Obama twenty years to learn that his pastor was making anti-American sermons? Was he attentive to what was happening or did he use that time and opportunity to take a snooze?
When will John McCain start to campaign? I can’t recall ever seeing such a lack of enthusiasm. Doesn’t he want the job? And what do you think of his running mate?
Why do people smoke? Don’t they know that…..yada, yada, yada? Of course they do.
Why did Israel trade some live, dangerous prisoners for the bodies of a couple of dead soldiers? They’ve now given the enemy no reason to keep Israeli prisoners alive.
How does Mary Matalin stay married to James Carville? She’s sweet. He’s a snake. She’s attractive. He still looks like a snake. She’s very nice. He’s an evil snake.
Why do some readers who disagree with me find it necessary to jump into the gutter and call me names? Hey, gang. This is America. I am free to have my opinion and you, yours. Just because we disagree does not mean that either of us is ignorant. Shouting that one is ignorant is rude and insulting. Doing that reduces an intelligent discussion to the level of a barroom argument.
When replacing a roll of bathroom tissue, which is correct – over or under the roll? This trivial question sparked a heated discussion. It ended when I stated that hotel housekeepers all over the world fold it to a point over the roll. I don’t know why but I figure that if hotels around the world have done the research for us, it’s good enough for me.
Why do customers at natural health-food supermarkets look so sick? They’re all skinny. I mean really skinny. Maybe it’s because, at the prices they charge, a customer cannot afford to overeat. I shopped at one today. Next time I go I must remember to call Visa and ask them to increase my credit line.
With America in the company’s name why doesn’t America On Line (AOL) hire more Americans? I don’t recall ever speaking to anyone there that didn’t have a thick foreign accent.
How many credit card applications did you receive this week? I can’t remember ever seeing so many. There must be a lot of profit in the credit card business.
Why is it – no matter which airline I’m flying, no matter where I’m going, no matter which airport I’m leaving from – the gate for my flight is always the one that is furthest away and the longest walk from the security entrance? And speaking of flights, when was the last time you saw a security agent actually check your luggage tags as you left the baggage carousel with what you hope is your suitcase.
Which is better- Coke or Pepsi? Whopper or Big Mac? Costco chicken or BJ’s chicken?
Why is it necessary for young people to park using grandma’s disabled sticker when they run in to get a dozen bagels? They’re young and healthy and it wouldn’t kill them to walk a few feet.
Have you ever received an Email from a candidate…. ANY candidate for any office that didn’t end with a request for a contribution? Hillary is the worst offender. She’s still asking me to send her money to pay off “those pesky campaign debts”. English translation of “those pesky campaign debts” – she still owes herself thirteen million dollars and she wants me to send her money to be deposited in her own personal account. How much did the Clintons earn last year?
I am asking, is this the longest presidential campaign you’ve ever seen?
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