Introducing LICHO — the family game that will keep you engaged with the news while it supplies you with hours of fun!
The kabuki dance that has been the court battle around preserving Long Island College Hospital is dragging through its second year and the twists and turns are starting to give us a sense of deja vu.
The hospital closed in late May after 156 years, but community groups continue to try their luck in forcing the state and developers to keep healthcare on the site where high-priced apartments are all but certain to rise. We have noticed patterns in the proceedings and we have the sinking feeling particular motifs will play out again, with a few new twists, before all the potentially radioactive dust has settled. So we created a handy, Cobble-Hill-hospital-centric version of Bingo to let our readers follow along at home.
The hospital is kaput and is not likely to be revived, but any number of events could transpire before condos go up.
Click the squares above to see what has already transpired. The squares without links indicate that the event has yet to happen.
And make sure to play along at home!