
Mayor Marty? Golden won’t say

State Senator Marty Golden (R-Bay Ridge) will run for mayor on a platform of low taxes, affordable housing and expanding economic opportunity into the boroughs.

That is, if he runs for mayor, of course.

As we reported last week, Golden has definitely dipped his toe in the Republican-light mayoral waters, but he hasn’t fully jumped in.

“Many community leaders from throughout the city have suggested that I run,” Golden said. “Whenever so many people of so many different backgrounds, urge you to do something, you have to give it some thought.”

What would a Golden Administration mean for New York City? Clues could be found in the leadership styles of the men whom he says are his political influences: Ronald Reagan and Rudy Giuliani.

“I admire them for their leadership,” Golden said. “And, like me, they were former Democrats who found that the party’s extreme liberal message difficult for them.”

Opponents would be quick to point out Golden’s lack of experience — he’s been in politics, first as a Councilman and later as a state Senator, only since 1998 — but Golden believes that his prior experience as a cop, civic leader and small business owner shouldn’t be underestimated.

“I have been able to see the challenges that people face in finding a job, paying their taxes and bills, in trying to educate their children as well as they can, and in keeping their homes and neighborhoods safe,” said Golden, who once owned the Bay Ridge Manor catering hall.

Other priorities? “Keeping crime down, moving forward in educating all of New York’s children, developing both senior and affordable housing, and keeping taxes as low as possible.

“I would look to expand the economic growth of the last few years to all areas of the city,” he said. “I have been a strong supporter of the Atlantic Yards project, the development of the biotech industry in New York, the development of the Brooklyn Army Terminal, the cruise industry.”

Golden is considered a shoe-in to win his Senate district next year, a race that isn’t expected to put much of a dent in his $425,000 campaign war chest. He’d need much, much more to run for mayor, but raising big cash would be easy — if (and it’s a big if!) he remains the only Republican in the race to succeed Mayor Mike.

Golden already has one supporter in Peter Killen, a Bay Ridge activist whose relationship with the maybe-mayoral candidate began when Golden was a cop.

“Marty Golden would make an excellent candidate,” Killen said. “He is knowledgeable, hands-on, and has always done great things for the community, even before he was elected to anything.”

But is it possible to make the leap from the Bay Ridge Manor to Gracie Mansion?

“I don’t know,” Golden said. “But I am sure that, if I was fortunate enough to be elected Mayor, I will work hard for all the people of New York, whether they be in Turtle Bay, Princes Bay, or Sheepshead Bay.”

Spoken like a true (sort of) candidate.