Former Assemblyman Bob Straniere staked out a far-right-of-center position in his quest to succeed Rep. Vito Fossella last week, telling The Brooklyn Paper that any attempt to tax people who make more than $250,000 is “Obama-nomics,” that divisive GOP vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin is an electrifying figure, and that he opposes abortion rights even in the case of rape or incest.
Meanwhile, his Democratic counterpart, Councilman Mike McMahon, stuck to middle-of-the-road, bread-and-butter issues, and stayed out of the abortion thicket by describing himself as “pro-Choice” — and leaving it at that. He said that presidential nominee Barack Obama’s tax plan would help the middle class.
It’s all part of a wide-ranging hourlong debate that took place in our DUMBO offices on Friday as both candidates sought The Brooklyn Paper’s editorial endorsement — and it’s must viewing for anyone who really wants to know what the candidates stand for.