To The Editor:
If Senator John McCain truly cares about veterans, why is he always voting against their interests?
“Here’s a guy who touts himself as a friend of veterans, but his history shows just the opposite. How can someone who cares about our men and women in the armed services vote against the GI Bill or Veterans’ health care?” said Paul Hackett, Iraq war veteran.
In fact, the only bill for veterans John McCain did not vote against was the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2007, but this is only because he did not show up to vote.
Indeed, the nation’s largest Iraq war veterans group, “The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America” give him a ‘D’ on his voting record on veteran’s issues.
Senator Obama, on the other hand, gets a B-plus. But say anything about this to Senator McCain and watch him go into his song and dance about being a POW. I’m not saying it was not a living hell for him, but others had to suffer, same as him, but he does not seem to really care about them.
In fact, I have to worry if he really cares about anything but John McCain.
He wants Phil Gramm, the guy who made a mess of the Savings & Loans to be his treasury secretary.
He picks a woman who asks, “What does the vice-president do?” Something she should have learned in high school.
He calls himself a maverick and votes with Bush 90-percent of the time. He’s against torture. He’s for it. Now, he’s against it again.
As Joe Friday used to say in the old cop show, “Dragnet,” “Just the facts please, just the facts.
David Raisman
Bay Ridge