Oy, vey.Is this a great idea, or what?
The Brooklyn Cyclones will host an unconventional mid-week fireworks show, September 2, after the team’s 7 p.m. game against the rival Hudson Valley Renegades.
In the Jewish faith, the Sabbath is a day of rest beginning at sundown on Friday, and lasting for 25 hours. During that time, observers do not partake in several activities, making their participation at Friday and Saturday night Cyclones games difficult, or impossible.
The in-stadium fireworks show launches from the warning track in center field, and fans are invited to stay in their seats, giving them an unbeatable close-up view of the pyrotechnics.
Tickets to the gameat KeySpan Park, 1904 Surf Avenue, are on sale now at brooklyncyclones.com and 718-507-TIXX, and range from $8 – $16.