
Not again! Thieves steal more plants from Narrows Garden

Green guerrillas! Someone is stealing plants from the Narrows Botanical Garden
Photo by Michelle Manetti

Thieves stole hundreds of dollars worth of supplies and plants from the beleaguered Narrows Botanical Garden last week — the second burglary this year at the all-volunteer green oasis along Shore Road.

Volunteers said that burglars broke into the garden, which is at 69th Street, after it closed for the night on June 7. When workers showed up the next morning, they discovered that two newly installed motion detectors had been destroyed, and a plant cart, a $300 leaf blower, $150 in ivy and other valuable plants and supplies had been taken.

“It just makes me disgusted,” said Jimmy Johnson, the garden landscaper. “People are using us as their personal gardening store.”

Johnson said he doesn’t suspect any of his volunteers, considering that the stolen items are typically needed for landscaping or gardening jobs.

“The thieves are very knowledgeable people,” said Johnson. “They knew what they wanted and they took it — it’s disgusting.”

The burglary took place just six weeks after green guerillas last broke into the garden and stole thousands worth of rare plants and planters.

Later, though, nurseries and landscaping companies from Southern Brooklyn donated plants, trees and other materials. Now, Johnson said he is going to need help from his neighbors again.

“I need people to start looking around and spreading the word that this is happening,” said Johnson. “I’m afraid this will happen again.”

Cops said that there is still no suspect for either incident.

Anyone with any information about the burglary is asked to call the 68th Precinct at (718) 439-4211.