Well, now it’s done, and everyone has a running mate. Obama has Joe Biden and McCain has Sarah Palin. If it weren’t so frightening it might almost be funny.
Here are four people, two of which will be running our country, and none of them have really much to say about anything, nor have any of them really made much of an impact.
Obama, in his acceptance speech, extolled the virtues of change, and how government must be able, in essence, to provide for its people — what good is pulling yourself up by your boot straps if you don’t have boots? I don’t know about that. I find that whenever government gets involved in providing, we the people get less than we expect and more of what we don’t expect and are provided for less.
At the convention, he orated, speechified and awed the audience, stirring all those Democratic souls with his smile and promise of a bright, new, changed future.
The reality is that taxes have to go up — after all, who else is going to pay for all those government-sponsored projects? We the people, or at least the ones that work, will bear the brunt. Rich people won’t feel the bite — they have plenty of cash and the poor can’t give what they don’t have, which leaves the middle class, the largest portion of payees anywhere in the world.
Okay, so we raised the taxes, we have the programs — now what? In the end it’s always the same. The people that benefit are the ones that know somebody, leaving the poor outside in the cold where they were in the first place and still unable to heat their homes.
So Obama can talk about the benefits of government helping the people all he wants. And he can stir the souls of the best of them, but in the end, government only helps government and Obama is no exception to the rule. Even though he likes to think so.
Obama is not alone, McCain is guilty as well. The only difference between the two is that McCain hasn’t promised what he knows he can’t deliver.
We all know deep down inside that taxes have to be raised. We all know deep down inside that offshore drilling is not a reality for our country because too many politicians are involved. And we all know that getting out of Iraq is something that will happen sometime down the road, but not now.
Speaking of which, what happens to all those service men and women when we get out of Iraq? Where will they find jobs and affordable housing? Will government provide?
Even if Obama promises us the moon and stars, at best all he can deliver are stars and then only the ones that campaigned for him.
So what do we do now? It’s only two months before Election Day and there isn’t a decent pair in sight. Not for nuthin', but if I were in Atlantic City and playing poker with this hand I’d fold 'em and demand to be dealt new cards — and only from a deck without the jokers.
E-mail “Not for Nuthin’” at JoannaD@courierlife.net. All letters become the property of Courier-Life Publications and are subject to publication unless otherwise specified; please include your name, address and daytime telephone number for verification.