A burglar stealthily broke into a 13th Street apartment on Feb. 14, hauling away gadgets and jewels.
The perp forced open a woman’s rear window, near the fire escape, between 8:15 am and 10 pm to enter the building, which is between Seventh and Eighth avenues.
The victim reported that the intruder stole her laptop computer, several rings and a pair of earrings, worth a total of $6,320.
An alert worker at the Park Slope Food Co-op on Union Street foiled a duo trying to steal a bounty of food on Feb. 14.
Cops say two people tried to leave the members-only club, which is between Sixth and Seventh avenues with $1,132 in groceries at around 2 pm.
But as anyone who’s ever shopped in the crowded grocery knows, it’s next to impossible to exit quickly. In this case, the manager intercepted the shoplifters and detained them until police arrived to arrest the couple.
Without a trace
A thief slipped in and out of a locked 15th Street apartment on Feb. 13 without breaking anything.
The invisible man entered the apartment between 5:20 pm and 7 pm, but didn’t bust open the door or shatter a window to do it, even though both were properly secured, according to the 29-year-old tenant.
The victim suspects that some previous resident with a key to his apartment between Third and Fourth avenues, paid the unexpected and unwanted visit, stealing his laptop, iPod and gold chains, worth $1,800.
Speak softly
A man brandishing a baseball bat robbed a woman on the corner of Eighth Avenue and Fourth Street on Feb. 13.
The mugger didn’t even utter a word in the 10:30 pm incident; he just held up the bat, and the 34-year-old victim handed over her purse, containing her Kodak camera and cellphone.
Only after getting the bag did he verbally threaten her, saying “I’ll hit you,” before fleeing.
Travel lightly
A hooligan nicked a piece of luggage on 10th Street while a woman was packing her car for a trip on Feb. 15.
The thief took the woman’s travel bag from her vehicle at 7:20 pm, while the woman was ferrying additional luggage from her apartment to the car parked between Fifth and Sixth avenues.
The stolen bag contained $155 and the traveler’s credit cards.