
Screening of 1923’s original “Ten Commandments” with organ accompaniment

The second film in the series will be C.B. DeMille’s original 1923 version of “The Ten Commandments,” February 13, 7 p.m. at the Brooklyn Baptist Temple, 360 Schermerhorn Street in downtown Brooklyn. Admission is $10, $5 for seniors and students.

“The Ten Commandments,” in DeMille’s first interpretation, presents the biblical story for roughly half the film. The remainder is concerned with a (1923) contemporary morality tale of a widow and her two young adult sons. One of the sons descends into a life of vice; at the same time, a contrast is drawn between the mother’s strict reading of the Ten Commandments, and the other son’s interpretation based upon the Gospel teachings of the New Testament.

For more, visit www.brooklynago.org.