The Fourth Annual
Brooklyn Jewish Film Festival kicks off April 28 at BAMcinematek
(30 Lafayette Ave. at Ashland Place) with a screening of Ademir
Kenovic’s 2002 film, "Secret Passage," which stars
Park Slopers John Turturro and Katherine Borowitz. A Q&A
with Borowitz, who is married to Turturro, will follow the 7:30
pm screening of the film, set in 15th-century Venice.
Another highlight of the festival, which runs through May 2,
is a tribute to actor Theodore Bikel, who starred as the Russian
captain in Norman Jewison’s 1966 Cold War comedy "The Russians
are Coming! The Russians are Coming!" This May 1 event is
a celebration of the 80th birthday of the actor-musician. Bikel
and his colleagues will be on hand at a reception following the
For a complete list of festival films and screening dates
and times, visit the Web site at
Tickets are $10. For more information, call (718) 636-4100.