The best thing about the 1960s, at least according to this columnist, was that they ended before he was born. Despite all the oft-repeated flowery nostalgia, I always envisioned it to be a particularly anti-intellectual decade: heavy on chanting and marching and light on reasoned discourse.
Now the ’60s are back, at least in Bay Ridge, as a new anti-war group calling itself “Bay Ridge Neighbors for Peace” has seemingly dusted off the old tie-dyed playbook and have targeted Rep. Vito Fossella (R–Bay Ridge) for his support of the war in Iraq. But while these activists succeeded in living up to the worst of my stereotype, one pol transcended the chants — call it Bay Ridge’s very own Sister Souljah moment.
You remember Sister Souljah, of course. It was back during the 1992 presidential campaign when the rapper indicated that she didn’t have a problem with black-on-white violence. At the time, many politicos had trouble condemning the comment — mostly because they were afraid to appear insensitive to the black community. But then-candidate Bill Clinton waited until he was speaking before an African-American audience to rebuke the rapper. The move helped Clinton position himself in the center, and also show white voters that he was not, like other Democratic candidates, willing to betray his principles to please a minority community.
Cut to the present. Lefty lawyer Steve Harrison was invited by the Bay Ridge Neighbors for Peace to attend their anti-war rally at Fossella’s Bay Ridge office. Like the group, Harrison is very much opposed to the War in Iraq (in fact, linking Fossella to the Bush-led war was a major part of Harrison’s 2006 campaign — and may have played a role in getting him an impressive 42 percent of the vote).
The group brought signs and T-shirts calling the president a terrorist-minded, baby killing, Satanic SOB. That’s fine, I suppose. Free speech allows us all to attack our leaders, the pope, or even Tom Glavine (make that especially Tom Glavine).
But when one of the organizers of the protest berated two police officers, Harrison couldn’t hold his tongue.
“Those police officers, I know them personally, and I don’t want this group to alienate them,” said a visibly angry Harrison. “Everything they have ever done in this community is appropriate and what they deserve is a thank you.”
The moment lasted all of one minute before Harrison moved on to his stump speech, which (unlike the Dems running for president) called for an immediate end to the war and used all the usual anti-war hyperbole in condemning his opponent and the current administration.
But it was Harrison’s “Sister Souljah moment” that stood out. A reach? Perhaps, but unlike Clinton’s attack on the rapper, at least Harrison’s “moment” wasn’t pre-scripted. And that made it even more effective, because it showed that Harrison is a stand-up guy.
He may not have gotten this columnist’s endorsement (chalk it up to a difference in world views), but the move shows that Steve Harrison has a backbone, which is refreshing in this current political climate. Matthew Lysiak is a writer who lives in Bay Ridge.
The Kitchen Sink
Mike Long’s Conservative Party won’t announce a presidential endorsement until someone becomes the nominee. And Long claims to be leaving the door open to native son Rudy Giuliani, but the odds of Rudy winning over the conservatives are between slim and none. The party is leaning towards Fred Thompson, who is the guest at the party’s fall reception on Oct. 15 at the Sheraton in Manhattan. …
Vito goes green: Rep. Vito Fossella (R–Bay Ridge) recently pushed local officials to plant nine new trees and six new shrubs on Dahlgren Place to help reduce air and noise pollution for residents living near the 92nd Street exit ramp off the Verrazano Bridge. …
Sen. Marty Golden will be hosting an Oct. 23 luncheon at the Bay Ridge Manor to honor Col. Tracey Nicholson, Commander of the Fort Hamilton army base, for her recent designation as a 2007 New York State Senate Woman of Distinction.