
St. Mark School reunion

The Alumni Association of St. Mark School has finalized its plans for their 2008 Reunion, to be held in the school’s auditorium, 2602 East 19th Street, April 26. Tickets are $40 per person and advance reservations are required.

Last year, former graduates, returning from all parts of the country, enjoyed an evening reuniting with childhood classmates and neighborhood friends.

Still going strong in its 83rd year as a major learning institution, St. Mark School graduates reminisced about days of old, of being taught by the dedicated nuns, along with basketball, baseball, music lessons, First Fridays, May Procession, First Communion, Confession, Confirmation, Graduation, and the struggle of mastering the art of cursive writing.

Today, its students are still being academically challenged by their teachers in an educationally demanding environment, as was evidenced by score results of their New York State mandated English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies tests, which were significantly higher than the rest of New York City’s test scores.

The student/faculty body is also actively involved in the community. The Alumni Association is committed to insure that the school will continue in its mission to educate.

The school welcomes inquiries from all former graduates, including those they have not heard from or who have not received their recent Alumni Association mailings.

For more, call 347-274-0573 or visit www.stmarkparish.org.