
Stand up and cheer for the new doctor

Stand up and cheer for the new doctor

Prospect Lefferts Gardens

We have a doctor for you!

Welcome to Dr. Maurice Selby, the newest resident at State University of New York Downstate Medical Center. This 29-year-old healer is truly the ultimate New Yorker, having lived in all five boroughs, and now practicing medicine right here in our own little neck of the woods.

Growing up as an inner-city kid, Dr. Selby always hoped he would become a doctor, but coming from a background of limited means, it seemed a pipe-dream. But you know life how life works — when he was a student at Curtis High School in Staten Island, he took a physician career-prep program. And soon he was on the fast track of fulfilling his dream.

He gained experience as an Emergency Medical Technician before enrolling in City College of New York, where he fulfilled his pre-med requirements. He also engaged in medical research through the Associated Medical Schools of New York’s Pathways to Careers in Medicine and Research Program. Upon graduation, he was accepted at the State University New York Downstate Medical Center’s College of Medicine, where he focused on internal and emergency medicine.

His road was not an easy one. He told Standing O, “It was a long journey, but ultimately it has been enormously rewarding. There were times when I was not sure if I could make it, but at every step I found the support I needed and teachers who believed in me.”

And he aims to stay in the best borough of them all. “This is my home, and I want to care for the people in my community,” he said.

Standing O believes in Dr. Selby too and wishes him a very long practice.

State University of New York Downstate Medical Center [450 Clarkson Ave. at New York Avenue in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, (718) 270–1000].

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