It became a landmark — and, for one day, a dance floor.
Coney Islanders gathered at the iconic Riegelmann Boardwalk on Aug. 9 with local pols to celebrate Council’s official landmarking of the 95-year-old wooden walkway with a free silent-disco party. Councilman Mark Treyger (D–Coney Island) said the Boardwalk’s new landmark status will help ensure that it exists forever.
“This is such an important public treasure that will last for generations to come,” Treyger said.
The Council voted to affirm the city Landmarks Preservation Commission’s designation of the Boardwalk as a scenic landmark on July 18 after a years-long effort led by Treyger and local activists, finally making the landmark status official.
Councilman Chaim Deutsch (D–Sheepshead Bay) — whose district includes part of the 2.5-mile wooden walkway — and Council Speaker Corey Johnson (D–Manhattan) were also on hand to celebrate the event.
“It was a victorious day in Coney Island as we celebrated the landmarking of our Riegelmann Boardwalk with @NYCSpeakerCoJo!” Deutsch tweeted. “Kudos to @MarkTreyger718 for being a leading partner to make this happen, & to community members & @NYCCouncil colleagues who joined our advocacy.”
After delivering remarks, Treyger and Johnson donned headphones to bust a move with locals at the silent-disco party.
One Coney Islander said she loved breaking a sweat while rocking out to the disco, rhythm-and-blues, and rap tunes.
“It was a mixture of music. And I got good exercise, it was amazing,” said Rose Jackson. “I loved it — I can’t wait for the next one.”