
Teenager mugged!

Not so easy

A thug mugged an 18-year-old boy for a video game and a cellphone on 86th Street on June 11.

The teenager told cops that he was near Third Avenue at around 7 pm when the thief threw him against a car and said, “We’re going to do this nice and easy.”

The thief then reached into the boy’s pocket, grabbed the phone and Playstation Portable and fled.

A grand old time

A burglar broke in through the front door of a 13th Avenue house on June 10 and made off with $1,000.

The 60-year-old tenant told cops that she had left the home, which is near 72nd Street, at around 10:30 pm and returned less than an hour later to find the front door ajar and the bag containing the money missing.

‘Queens’ robbery

A thief purloined a wallet from a car parked on Third Avenue on June 7.

The 31-year-old victim, who was from Queens, returned to the car, which had been left near 81th Street, to find his back door slightly ajar.

When he got home, he realized that his wallet containing multiple credit cards — was missing from the glove box.

Two nights later, a driver who left his car unlocked in front of Mr. Tang’s restaurant at about 9 pm returned to find that his wallet — and the $80 inside it —was gone.

Bike burglar!

A burglar swiped a 2008 Honda motorcycle that had been parked in a Shore Road garage on June 9.

The 36-year-old owner told cops that he returned to the garage, which is near 93rd Street, the next morning to fine the chopper gone.