To The Editor:
The desperation that Shavana Abruzzo and people that share her mindset now feel is palpable.
There are so many issues to be discussed in the current presidential campaign – two wars overseas, the economy, the environment just to start with – and instead all we get is a diatribe against Barack Obama’s family heritage and his “elitism.”
Is that the best you can do?
I’m not concerned about what Senator Obama’s half-brother is saying or doing. There are far more important issues to discuss.
The association that I’m concerned about is John McCain’s ties to the most unpopular president in American history – a president whose policies he is seeking to perpetuate.
Senator Obama has made his positions on religion and race very clear. Most people have accepted them and moved on to the issues that merit discussion and consideration. The only people who haven’t moved on are people like Ms. Abruzzo, whose racial and/or ideological prejudices will not allow them to consider the possibility that a person of African heritage stands a strong chance of being elected president of the United States. This is only July. What will Ms. Abruzzo and her compatriots be saying in November?
Joseph B. Raskin
Cobble Hill