
The best punk-rock workout songs

The best punk-rock workout songs

Blitzkrieg Bod, the new workout class at the Cobra Club in Bushwick, encourages workout fiends to get their ya yas out to all kinds of punk rock jams. Instructor Haley Groat shared her favorite rock songs for building rock-hard abs.

“Alternative Ulster” by Stiff Little Fingers

“It is a really upbeat and aggressive political anthem, and it works well for kicking ass.”

“Last Caress” by the Misfits

“The Misfits are perfect for working out to because all their songs features huge ‘woah’ choruses and they are all danceable, ‘Last Caress’ has a great 1950s pop melody, but it is so nasty.”

“Blitzkrieg Bop” by the Ramones

“The chorus of the song has a cheerleading kind of feel, so it is a great way to start off the class.”

“I Wanna Be Your Dog” by the Stooges

“It is good for dog-related exercises.”

“Suffragette City” by David Bowie

“It is one of my favorite songs. I use it to end the class with a dance party.”

Reach reporter Danielle Furfaro at dfurfaro@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow her at twitter.com/DanielleFurfaro.