To the editor,
Well, it was the first morning after the so-called Schumer “government” shutdown, and a funny thing happened. The sun still rose over Flatbush Avenue. The kids were out enjoying a great weekend and most parents couldn’t give a damn about what was going on in Washington.
Being a true New Yorker, I could care less that the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island were closed. I’ve never been there and prospects for a visit are miniscule at best. Were we worried that certain non-critical government employees were not getting paid? No! In fact, if they deemed not that critical, just maybe they shouldn’t be working there at all. And for our brave men and women in the military forces along with other law enforcement personnel, it has been shown, by the biased media, that each and every member will get full back pay no matter what.
So while the media brouhaha and their continuing circus were busy counting down to disaster, one thing had hardly been mentioned — the good Congressmen and Senators were still receiving their full pay and benefits while holding the citizens hostage to a phony crisis. Now that would be a true disaster if their pay stopped!Robert W. Lobenstein
Marine Park
Rich get richer
To the editor,
In the Letters to the Editor page of the Jan.19-25th issues of your paper the two letters that were under the headline “Tax Bill is not so Taxing,” there were opinions that made some seriously questionable statements.
The first letter stated that “Common sense will dictate the rich must not be assessed with an unreasonably high tax. The rich are the one’s who invest in America, while the middle class [rides their] shirttails and takes advantage of the rich’s investments through various venues. Those who complain that the rich get tax breaks do not realize that the rich will not invest if their investment will not produce a reasonable profit; We’ve already experienced as much during the Obama years. There is so much wrong with this statement it’s comical. Thanks middle class, for taking advantage of the rich’s investments. How the hell does that work?.The phrase “trickle down economics” didn’t work in talk or theory during Reagan; it just blew up the deficit higher than any other administration in recent history. This is a fact.The term “job creators” is a joke. The amount of money that is being made by companies in the last 15 years is astronomical. CEOs are making the highest wages and bonuses they have ever made. Many companies are also reporting record profits. But I guess that’s not “reasonable” enough to the rich. When Clinton raised the tax rate on the wealthy we actually came out of his administration with a SURPLUS. Imagine that. It just took George W. Bush, and two unfunded wars to turn that around.
And in the second letter the person says that AT&T “will be giving $1000 bonuses to each of their 200,000 workers, along with substantial raises.” Well there’s about $200,000 they’ll pay out and maybe a little more in raises. But while they’re doing that they also laid off 600 workers on December 16. Merry Christmas to them, huh? They have also said they plan to lay off another 700 workers in Texas and Missouri in February. Last year, senior executives at AT&T told The New York Times that “shrinking the [company’s] workforce by 30 percent is not out of the question.”Less people to pay, more money for the bigshots. So a few raises and some bonuses looks good on paper but is nothing compared to what the CEOs and the company will actually make. Let’s face the facts, the GOP is even on record saying it. This tax bill was a gift for all the big time donors who will now see a return on the investment they have made for a long time.
Michael Saccoliti
Bay Ridge
Curb school violence!
To the editor,
What’s going on at New Rochelle High School? Three stabbings there on and off campus in eight days. With it all, there are no metal detectors at the school.
This school is a perfect example of what is wrong with the education system today. Instead of firm discipline being established, we have our so-called progressives running the schools. The latter refuse to discipline youngsters, and violent behavior ensues.
What does the administrative staff do at this school? Just walk around checking lesson plans and pointing out if there is paper on the floor or in desk pockets?
We need the police running many of our schools so that teachers and staff can concentrate on educating our youth. We need alternative settings, formerly known as the “600” schools in New York City for chronically disruptive students. These progressives refuse to hear this, and instead permit an atmosphere of fear, intimidation, and certain reprisals for teachers who dare to speak up. As I always state, where are the teacher unions in this matter? Their silence is deafening. They are so grateful to be out of the classroom that they just don’t want to rock the boat.
In our New York City schools, our new chancellor should come from a place where discipline is firmly established. Knowing DeBlasio, he will choose some other off-the-wall lefty and the same nonsense shall continue.Ed Greenspan
Sheepshead Bay
Just too crowded
To the editor,
Continued development–overpopulation in the New York City metropolitan area needs to end now. Elected representatives in bed with real estate developers; [with tenants] packed like sardines with an infrastructure that doesn’t come close. Quality of life gets worse; cost of living more expensive. And “the sheep” keep voting so as to continue the dysfunction; against their best interests (or) needs. Elected officials vote per their interests; voting shows little concern for their electorate. I have an idea for both the real estate developers and their representatives in government: There’s a lot of vacant land in Wyoming.Barry Brothers
King of Kings Hwy?
To the editor,
Has anyone taken a good look at the new building on the corner of Kings Highway and East 16th St.? It is a monstrosity. It isn’t the building, per se, but the location. It overpowers all the other buildings and doesn’t belong on a street with the architecture that is there. Kings Highway is an historical street and is named Kings Highway for a reason that is too long to go into. To top it off, they have put up a “message board” sign that belongs in Times Square. I would like to know what they are going to do on the East 16th side of the building. Will they put in some sort of parking facility? I doubt it. The one parking garage that there was in the area is being replaced by yet another shopping building, with perhaps offices on top. Parking is a nightmare on and around the Highway, this will only make it worse. It will get to the point, if it hasn’t already, that people won’t want to shop the Highway, not that there is all that much good shopping anymore. Somebody has to draw the line somewhere.
Rowena Lachant
Hello, Larry?
To the editor,
There are even better ideas than former Erie County Executive and potential Republican candidate for Governor Joel Giambra’s, to legalize marijuana. He would have dedicated tax revenues on buyers going to pay for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority capital program along with road and bridge improvements. Why not think outside of the box? Use the free market and let the MTA New York City Transit subway, Long Island Rail Road and Metro North Rail Road use off peak, late night, overnight and weekend excess capacity to provide consumers with other services they desire. Create the “X” line which could run separate trains which would provide cars for folks to light up either cigarettes, cigars or marijuana. You could also have other cars for drinking, gambling or adult entertainment. This could raise the MTA millions. Next, create the “H” line using older subway cars about to be retired. They could be converted to provide overnight accommodations for homeless people, including portable showers and medical support facilities. This would afford regular transit riders more space and safer environment. Mayor Bill DeBlasio needs all the help he can get in dealing with the growing New York City homeless population. Many of them refuse to go to shelters, which they view as unsafe. They prefer riding the subways overnight or staying out on the street. This could save New York City millions.
Larry Penner
Great Neck