
They’re all gonna die! Comedians reproduce ‘Jaws’ from memory

They’re all gonna die! Comedians to reproduce ‘Jaws’ from memory
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to Williamsburg.

Improv troupe Ten Bones is attempting perform the 1975 cinematic blockbuster “Jaws” entirely from memory at bar and screening house Videology on Aug. 30 — and the actors will only be allowed watch the movie once in preparation. So to bone up for the show, one actor said he is sinking his teeth into other canonical shark films.

“I’ve been watching the ‘Sharknado’ movies,” said Ryan Chittaphong.

Adding to the movie-inspired mayhem, the actors won’t know which role they will be playing until right before the performance starts. They will also have to incorporate audience-submitted lines and sound effects, which the director will occasionally hurl their way.

But fin fans rejoice — the shark (known as Bruce to “Jaws” aficionados) may get to finally explain why he is on the war path against a small Long Island beach town.

“There’s nothing in the rules that says he can’t talk,” said Chittaphong, who is hoping to play the grumpy Great White.

The live reproduction is really a jumping-off point for spur-of-the-moment comedy, another actor said, but the troupe will still hit on all the key plot points.

“Someone has to get eaten, the hero has to get involved, they go on journey, Jaws attacks, and they have to kill Jaws,” said Andy Schneeflock. “Everything else is up for grabs.”

Ten Bones performed its first “Entirely From Memory” show in December last year, with Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” Chittaphong said. The group realized it was on to something and has already staged versions of “Batman” and “The Wizard of Oz” this year, he said.

The set and costumes for this production will be minimal, but the director promised the play will be a lo-fi lark.

“There will be a very bad shark costume,” said Peter McElligott. “So bad that it will illicit laughter. We’re going all out in the cheapest way imaginable. We always do.”

“Jaws … Entirely From Memory” at Videology [308 Bedford Ave. at S. First Street in Williamsburg, (718) 782–3468, www.tenbo‌nes.org] Aug. 30 at 9 pm. $5.

Reach reporter Max Jaeger at mjaeg‌er@cn‌gloca‌l.com or by calling (718) 260-8303. Follow him on Twitter @MJaeger88.