The theme of the Micro Museum’s newest exhibit, “DNA ’r Us,” is genes. But don’t come expecting to learn about biology when the show opens on April 25.
“We already disappointed a school class,” said Kathleen Laziza, the curator at the museum, on Smith Street in Cobble Hill. “They came expecting to see a science exhibit!”
Lesson learned; you don’t go to the Micro Museum to learn about Watson and Crick. But you might learn something more important.
“We [collected] all kinds of interpretative work about how we are internally,” said Laziza. “It’s fascinating to see how artists interpret the theme — I’m noticing a lot of elegant shapes. All the pieces we have selected so far are very poetic and metamorphic.” (“Conciousness,” by Hisayasu Takashio, is pictured.)
“DNA ’r US” at the Micro Museum [123 Smith St., between Dean and Pacific streets, (718) 797-3116], April 25–June 20, $2. Opening night tickets, $10, include two drinks.