Sed fugit interea fugit irreparabile tempus… “But meanwhile it flees: time flees irretrievably”
It flies when we’re having a good time and it drags when times are dull; It waits for no man, but what about a woman?
It can be well spent or wasted and even saved, but never withdrawn.
We can kill it and we canmake it. When we’re old – it’s all behind us, when we’re young it’s always ahead.
If you stitch it you save nine, but where to stitch and which nine do you save- nowthere’s the rub.
We never have enough of it, and sometimes wehave too muchon our hands. It’s fleeting yet slow and rolls around again and again,yet we lose it more often than not and its quality is always at stake. We can loosen its shackles and free ourselves from its constraints.
It’s always on our side, but never anyone’s friend.It’s time –
And as this world has turned once again and we are at that time, I would like to take the time to wish all of you, to have enough of it to do all those things that you never seem to have the time to do – to take the time to reflect on all that we have to be thankful for;the good times and even the bad, because without the bad we would never have anything to compare.
I offer a wish toeveryone who reads this column- to all who disagree and to those who don’t – an enjoyable daywith all its trimmings – May youspend it withfamily and friends. May you take a time out to appreciate the small things that always seem to lead to bigger things.May you never lose hope that you’ve run out of time and may you always have time left to say goodbye.
May your turkey be juicy, your gravy not lumpy, your sides plentiful and only split with laughter.
Until this time next year, Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good nap.