Grace & Spiritus Chorale of Brooklyn presents “Inspiration: Princes, Gypsies And Ethos,” May 15, 8 p.m., at the Old First Reformed Church, Seventh Avenue and Carroll Street in Park Slope; May 17, 4 p.m., at St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church, corner of Clinton and Pierrepont streets in Brooklyn Heights; and May 20, 7:30 p.m., at Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Clinton and Pierrepont streets in Fort Greene.
Sources of inspiration will be explored for composers George F. Handel (1685−1759) in his the Coronation Anthems, Johannes Brahms (1833−1897) in the Ziegeunerlieder (Gypsy Songs), Felix Mendelssohn (1809−1847), and Henryk Gorecki (b. 1933), whose Broad Waters is a simple setting of folk texts from his native Poland.
Admission is $15, $12 for seniors and children. Tickets are available at the door and at Smarttix, www.smarttix.comâ„show.aspx?showcode=INS40.