
Trashy writing

To The Editor:

In your most recent issue, Shavana Abruzzo describes Muslins and members of the democratically-elected Hamas citizens of Gaza as “idiots,” “terrorists,” “ultra-militants,” “assassins,” “thugs,” “gangsters,” “trouble makers,” “suicide bombers,” “baby killers,” “demented and radical extremists,” “predators,” “murderers,” “monsters,” “savage beasts,” and “fanatics” [“Islam’s idiots are at it again,” A Britisher’s View, 1-1 issue].

Many of these adjectives and descriptions have also been found to, at times, be appropriate to describe the behavior of Israelis, Zionists and Jews. Some even describe the bigotry and racism that underlie Ms. Abruzzo’s world view, as she writes her weekly column.

You should be ashamed to publish her trash.

It was the Israelis, and not Hamas, that provoked the recent massacre, by the killing of four militants on November 4, 2007, and the 18-month economic blockade of Gaza that has virtually strangled the Palestinians trying to survive there.

John Frazier

Park Slope