It’s a slam-dunk
Sending out bowers of baskets to Yakim Brown, the player with the most hours. It’s center circle for this giving 12 year-old who logged in the most volunteer hours to the Flames Basketball League. He’s no dead ball when it comes to giving of his time, talents and dedication. He’s one alive shooter and a great assist. “Yakim is one of the most mature young men in the league,” said league founder Gerard Papa. Out pal Yakim received a shirt with the Flames logo and a well deserved pat on the back at the 38th Annual awards night held at Dewey High School. The gala was dedicated to Tom Bergen, who was one heck of a booster and an angel to the league in the early days of the organization. Papa added, “Yakim helps with the games, scoring and does some coaching.” Not bad for a seventh grader. Standing O says, “May your free-throws always be fair.”
Flames Basketball League [John Dewey HS, 50 Ave. X between Stillwell Avenue and Avenue X in Marlboro, (718) 236—6100].