
Unwanted guest

A man surprised the resident of a 79th Street home when he barged through a bedroom window while she was there on April 18.

The 45-year-old woman said she was in her house at 10 pm when a masked man jumped through her open bedroom window and grabbed her jewelry box.

The perp then fled through the victim’s back yard, between Colonial Road and Narrows Avenue, with $9,000 worth of jewelry.

Key party

Here’s another example of why you should never leave the keys inside your car: A quick-acting thug stole an idling vehicle on 92nd Street as its owner shopped across the street on April 20.

The 29-year-old victim told cops she drove her gray Toyota Camry to the corner of Gatling Place at around 7 am. She left her keys in the ignition and the car running as she ran across the street to the grocery store.

When she left the market just 10 minutes later, she saw a man driving off toward the Verrazano bridge.

The suspect also made off with the three pairs of designer sunglasses, iPod and $100.

11th Ave. break

A suspect forced his way into an 11th Avenue home during the day on April 18.

The 42-year-old victim told police he left his house, which is between 72nd and 73rd streets, at around 11 am. When he returned just before 5 pm, one of the rear windows was open and almost $3,000 in jewelry and $3,200 in cash was missing from inside.

Purse snatch

Someone sneaked into an office on Third Avenue and stole a woman’s wallet from her bag on April 18.

The 33-year-old victim told cops she got to her office building, which is between 76th and 77th streets, at around 9 am, put the bag in her desk drawer and then left her office several times during the day.

When she went to grab the purse before heading home around 6 pm, the bag was missing, along with $600 and all of her debit and credit cards.