The idea of test tube meat is as intriguing as it is revolting, so we figured we should put the big-money question that could make or break the bio-tech industry to everyday Brooklynites: “Would you eat a hamburger grown in a test tube?”
Un-surprisingly, their responses were as mixed as a vat of ground beef.
— Max Jaeger
This is a really cool concept. Yeah, I think I would. I don’t have any reservations and I feel a lot of people are moving towards trying new things.nArumme Agaiwal, Clinton Hill
Photo by Max Jaeger
No. There are so many layers to how nature creates something. We can’t just skim the surface and say ‘That’s what makes meat.’”nLesley Kernochan, Ditmas Park
Photo by Max Jaeger
I’d give it a try. You don’t have any on you, do you?nForrest Myers, Williamsburg
Photo by Max Jaeger
We have enough problems with our food as it is. But if you didn’t know, it wouldn’t matter.nMinerva Morales, Park Slope