
What a dump! Carroll Gardens lot is as bad as it gets

What a dump! Carroll Gardens lot is as bad as it gets
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Talk about a dumping ground.

A Carroll Gardens lot has become a toilet bowl, thanks to a perfect storm of conflicting bureaucracies, confused ownership and insufficient policing that has allowed the eastern end of Huntington Street to become filled with human waste, empty bottles of methadone, used syringes, trash and condoms.

“I’m frustrated,” said resident Steven Miller, who has long beseeched cops and city agencies to do something about the worsening conditions, which have gotten worse since a warehouse on the site was demolished.

That warehouse was razed last year so that the energy giant National Grid’s could clean the property of toxins that date back to the Industrial Revolution.

But National Grid spokeswoman Karen Young said that maintenance of the property are the responsibility of the owner, Henry Abadi.

Abadi disagreed, saying that he has practically surrendered control of the property to National Grid for the duration of clean-up.

“They are the ones in control of the land,” he said.

No wonder no one wants to own up to ownership of this particular patch of fouled earth. When we visited the site, trash, graffiti and feces were piled so thick that it’s no wonder people continue to add their own garbage to the mound.

Of course, such decay also has a romantic allure, Miller said.

“I have seen people having sex in cars there,” he said, declining to say that it might be prostitutes and their Johns. “Whether it’s paid for is hard for me to know.”