If you feel like you’ve been hit over the head with advertising for the BAM’s “Edward Scissorhands,” it’s no fantasy
“This is the largest television campaign we’re done, and the largest overall campaign in a number of years,” Stephen Litner, BAM’s Senior Manager of Electronic Marketing, said this week.
BAM has spent “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to place ads with Time Warner Cable and Cablevision on Long Island. “It’s amazing to see the bump in sales from when the television ads start showing,” Litner said.
But, he added, the huge ad buy “was all part of the initial marketing plan. We intended it to be a blitz.”
Additionally, BAM has launched a “much larger than usual” direct mail campaign and done much more online marketing.
Not only has BAM covered all its bases, it’s covered itself: The BAM building, on Lafayette Avenue, is now swaddled in a large “Scissorhands” banner.
The cultural arts Mecca would not reveal how many tickets it has sold to the Matthew Bourne’s wordless ballet — based on the popular Johnny Depp film — but Litner rejected the rumors that sales are lagging.
“We’re really happy with how things are shaping up,” he said.