A crook’s tour
A hoodlum uploaded an Apple iTouch from its unlucky owner on President Street on Dec. 11.
The listener, a 19-year-old woman, relinquished the popular digital music player to an aggressive “man in a bright colored hat,” at 2 pm near the corner of Court Street.
Deadbeat burglar
Burglars ransacked a President Street home of a deceased man on Dec. 11 whose possessions had been boxed up.
According to the family members, no one was home from 1:30 to 6:15 pm. When they returned, they discovered that an air conditioner unit had been removed from the basement window and items scattered throughout the house. The family was not immediately able to determine what the intruders took.
Don’t steal
Two sinners robbed a Bible-toting woman on Clinton Street on Dec. 7.
The woman was near the corner of Lorraine Street at around 4:15 pm when the hooligans shoved her and stole her handbag containing $10 and two copies of the “good” book.
— Mike McLaughlin