The following is a list of local community organizations that are meeting in the near future in your area. If you have any information that can update this listing, newspaper at 718-615-2500, ext. 3332. All meeting notices are accurate as of press time; however, they are subject to change from the organization. Please contact the organization at the number provided for confirmation of date, time and location.
Concerned Citizens of Bensonhurst, May 1 (and each first Thursday) at 7:30 p.m.; St. Finbar’s Community Room, Bay 20th Street and Bath Avenue; 718-688-0097.
Manhattan Beach Neighborhood Association, May 5 at 8 p.m.; Public School 195, 131 Irwin Street; Patrol Borough Brooklyn South Assistant Chief Joseph Fox will be the guest speaker; 917-747-5863.
Sheepshead Bay/Plumb Beach Civic Association, May 6 at 7:30 p.m.; Baron DeKalb, Knights of Columbus, 3000 Emmons Avenue; 718-891-1937.
Gerritsen Beach Property Owners Association, May 7 (and each first Wednesday) at 7:30 p.m.; St. James Lutheran Church Gerritsen and Florence avenues; 718-648-6599.
61st Precinct Community Council, May 14 at 7:30 p.m.; 61st Precinct, Coney Island Avenue and Avenue W; 718-627-6847.
Community Board 11, May 14, at 7:30 p.m.; Holy Family Home, 1740 84th Street; 718-266-8800.
Madison-Marine Civic Association, May 15, at 7:30 p.m.; Kings Highway Reformed Church, East 27th Street and Quentin Road (in the basement); 718-934-8214.
Bensonhurst West End Community Council, May 19, (due to Memorial Day, the meeting will be held on the third Monday of the Month for May) at 8 p.m.; for location, call 718-946-0234.
60th Precinct Community Council, May 20th (and each third Tuesday of the month), at 7:30 p.m.; stationhouse, 2951 West 8th Street; 718-946-3328.
62nd Precinct Community Council, May 20 at 7:30 p.m.; stationhouse, 1925 Bath Avenue; 718-236-2611.
Manhattan Beach Community Group, May 21 at 8 p.m.; Kingsborough Community College, 2001 Oriental Boulevard; 718-200-1845.
Community Board 15, May 27, at 7 p.m.; Kingsborough Community College, 2001 Oriental Boulevard (in the faculty dining room); 718-332-3008.
Community Board 13, May 28, at 7 p.m.; Coney Island Hospital, 2601 Ocean Parkway, 2nd floor auditorium; 718-266-3001.
Community Education Council of District 22, (no information was available at press time); 718-968-6111.
Community Education Council of District 20, (no information was available at press time); 718-759-3921.
Community Education Council of District 21, (no information was available at press time); 718-714-2503.
St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood Improvement Association, (no information was available at press time); meets alternate months at Regina Hall, 65th Street and 12th Avenue, 6:30 p.m.; 718-236-5266.
Bay Improvement Group, for information about the May meeting, call 718-646-9206.
Bensonhurst Council for Senior Citizens is on hiatus until September; Mrs. Leardi, 718-236-3070.
Brighton Neighborhood Association, (no information was available at press time); 718-891-0800.